Isometric-58 Red shame during OJT

Image of manual, instruction manual, and content

Image of manual, instruction manual, and content

Image of manual, instruction manual, and content

Image of manual, instruction manual, and content

A young male employee pointing at something while working on a computer

A woman working at a call center and her senior colleague

Two women in suits talking with a smile

Men and women in suits talking with a smile

Illustration of an office worker giving advice to juniors

Call center

People who teach and learn how to operate a computer

Men and women in suits talking with a smile (with skin color)

0011 suit young female employee phone

Those who teach and learn how to operate laptops

Illustration of a female businessman receiving on-the-job training

Businessman teaching work

Businessman teaching a job

Illustration of a male businessman receiving on-the-job training

Teaching my boss

Seniors and juniors _ office workers

Men having a meeting while looking at a file

Men having a meeting while looking at a file

Those who teach and learn how to operate laptops

Boss businessman teaching subordinate to work

Teaching my boss

People who teach and learn how to operate a computer

Those who teach and learn how to operate laptops

businessman to guide

A female new employee being taught work by her seniors

A man having a meeting

Those who teach and learn how to operate laptops

People who teach and learn how to operate a computer

A female employee (teacher) who notices something

woman pointing to a point

Owl teacher checking and pointing left and right

Owl teacher pointing to the upper left

People who teach and learn how to operate a computer

Black office work

woman with documents

Office worker who is taught work

Career woman giving a presentation


Female employee with a tablet Jito face

Owl teacher making a circle with OK and wings

Owl teacher raising hand (wing)

Career woman giving a presentation smile

Female employee with tablet anxious face

Female employee with tablet crying face

Female employee with tablet smile

Owl teacher making a cross with NG and wings

Happy owl teacher jumping up

Career woman giving a presentation Jito face

A female employee (teacher) who points out and a speech bubble

Career woman giving a presentation Troubled face

A female employee (teacher) and a balloon calling attention

Female employee with tablet surprised face

Woman pointing to a point (no cropping)

Male businessman listening to the story (light color)

Female employee with a tablet sour face
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