
Seal set-53-Kagoshima-2

Station signboard summary 05_ Yamanote line without arrow

Seal set-37-Hiroshima

Seal set-6-Miyagi

Station signboard summary 04_ Yamanote Line inner loop left arrow

Station signboard summary 03_Yamanote Line Inner Loop Right Arrow

Station signboard summary 01_ Yamanote Line outer loop right arrow

Station signboard summary 02_ Yamanote Line outer loop left arrow

Map of city and town names - Miyagi Prefecture

Antique-style map of Miyagi prefecture

Miyagi prefecture map line drawing

Line drawing of map of Miyagi prefecture (with city and town names)

Map of Miyagi Prefecture Entering the name of the municipality

Modern map of Miyagi prefecture with administrative divisions (silver-gray)



Station signboard 24 Outer loop Osaki station (JY24)

Map around Osaki Station

A map of Miyagi prefecture with administrative divisions

Miyagi prefecture map illustration (without lines)

Miyagi prefecture map illustration (with lines)

Illustration of a map of Miyagi prefecture (with city and town names)

大崎上島 生野島 長島 広島県 島

Osakikamijima (Hiroshima)
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