Various shapes of sunburst sets

Various shapes, various types of sunburst sets

6-step barometer set: Monochrome B

6-stage barometer set: black line A

4-stage barometer set: Color A

4-stage barometer set: Monochrome A

4-stage barometer set: Monochrome B

6-step simple barometer set: Blue A

4-stage simple barometer set: Green A

4-stage simple barometer set: Blue B

4-stage barometer set: white line B

6-step simple barometer set: Green B

6-step simple barometer set: Green A

Illustration of computer parts

Point icon, speech bubble

Ribbon icon labeled Point

Point callout icon

important, caution highlight icon

Point notation sticky notes, icons

Point notation band, ribbon icon

the way

Point logo icon

Point, a triangular icon that indicates an important point

Point, a triangle icon indicating an important point

Illustration of tooth name

5 color crystal set

Attention/Important icon

Point icon

Triangle Point flag icon

Point icon

the way

Triangular Point flag icon

point icon

Point display balloon

Point notation tag, icon

point icon

Point 1 to 10 ribbon icons

Kotobuki and Awajitama

cartoon style circular dot gradient

Hanahige 02

Calligraphy writing

Red concentrated line, radiation / Rising Sun Flag

A motivated pictogram against a background of concentrated lines

Cartoon-style circular dot gradation_inverted

broken apple

4-stage simple barometer: middle color

Kamasa on the Awaji knot

4-stage simple barometer: black line medium

Aromatherapy (hourglass)

Circular dot gradation_02

Circular dot gradation_01

Inverted circular dot gradient_05

Inverted circular dot gradient_04

Circular dot gradation_03

Circular dot gradation_05

Circular dot gradation_04

Inverted circular dot gradient_02

Inverted circular dot gradient_01

Inverted circular dot gradient_03

6-stage simple barometer: white line medium

4-step simple barometer: monochrome medium

6-step simple barometer: monochrome medium

6-step simple barometer: middle color

4-stage simple barometer: white line medium

6-step simple barometer: black line medium

mouse click

mouse click

mouse click

mouse click

mouse click


Kanagawa prefecture municipality municipal administrative area

UFO heading to the center of the galaxy

The center of the galaxy


Red and yellow checkered pattern

Homunculus _ movement / sensation

Appearance of the National Diet Building

cpu electronic parts

Vortex (blue)




Cerebrum seen from above Right brain Left brain

Map of Japan Tochigi 04




Tochigi 05

Japan map Tochigi 02


Tochigi 09 Utsunomiya City

Vortex (green)

Homunculus _ motor field

Japan Map Tochigi 01

Vortex (red)


Map_Tokyo mainland border color-coded

Homunculus_ sensory area

Cooking aid
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